2015年12月9日 星期三




有人故意要把FOX3弄進江湖裡頭 , 於是出現後面的爭議.

接著就在FOX3隊員於WT遊戲內歷史模式被擊落之後 , 於是遭到部分玩家嘲諷 .


當然針對性質非常明顯 , 於是飛狐學院內只讓鐵頭回復 , 避免出現不必要的爭議 . 過程中讓飛狐非常不滿意的部分將在正理顯示出來.
稍早之前的文字 , 原來是在暗示要打司法戰役了


FOX3被指控列表 , 然而鐵頭之前已經陳述有事情不要扯FOX3


FOX3裡頭真的沒有飛行員嗎? 我不知道喔 ~



猴子被迫要花時間處理這一連串的司法驚喜 , 此事影響著猴子的日常 .

鐵頭臉書受到不明人士的!@#$%^&* , 需要進行驗證動作.

後面還未完全結束  , 會陸續補進.

巴哈文章  K島闇版

2015年11月7日 星期六


Cruise Formation: (2 ships)
1. Close up
2. Wedge
Combat Formation: (2 ships)
1. Fighting Wing
2. Line Abreast (Spread)
3. Trail
Tactical Turn: (2 ships)
1. Delay Turn: Delay 45/90 Left/Right
2. Left/Right Turn (Trail to Spread / Spread to Trail)
3. Hook Left/Right
4. Cross Turn

2015年9月3日 星期四


  • Basic Flight Training  
  • Takeoff  
  • Landing  
  • Formations: Wedge, Spread, Fighting Wing, Close up  
  • Turn at corner speed  
  • Spin

  • Basic Fighter Maneuvers (BFM)
  • Break and overshot
  • Scissors and Barrel
  • Immelmann and Spilt-S
  • Wingover

  • Air Combat Maneuvers (ACM)
  • Radio communication
  • Tactical turn
  • Engage and Support

2015年8月28日 星期五


  模擬遊戲有許多種 , 像是ARMA 或 FSX模擬飛行軟體 , 這些軟體所模擬出的擬真程度非常的高 , 甚至可以成為部份職業的訓練軟體 , 然而對於一般人來說 , 這些可能只是個遊戲 , 大部分的人一開始玩模擬遊戲肯定是因為軟體的真實性 , 大部分的人玩一陣子後便失去興趣不再接觸了 , 為甚麼呢?

  舉個ARMA的例子來說好了 , 在ARMA裡面可以使用自己的腳色去開潛艇到飛機 , 在槍戰方面也是動作多樣化 , 甚至出擊還要花很多時間在簡報 , 好玩的地方就是全部都是玩家親自扮演 , 從指揮官到後勤全部都是玩家處理 , 而非AI處理 , 從任務開始到結束可能要10~20人左右才能完成 , 完成後的成就感非凡.

  除了都是玩家處理外 , 還有知識學習 , 正因為擬真 , 所以才要學習很多知識才能完成一件事情 , 像是開飛機 , 你必須要學會飛航知識 , 才能飛得很好 , 沒錯! 關鍵就是學習到新知識 , 學習擔任各種角色 , 體驗各種任務 .

有些遊戲正因為速食 , 簡單輕鬆 , 沒有東西可以學才玩不久 , 最後只能在暑假拼命叫"好無聊喔~" , 而複雜的遊戲上手難 , 不過只要學會基本知識 , 就可以玩得更久 , 因為你還可以建立人事後勤 , 甚至分門別類的合作!

2015年8月26日 星期三


身為一名戰鬥機飛行員 , 對於基本的儀表必須要認識才行。一些細節及原理在這裡就不提了


  • 高度儀:提供高度的資訊


  • 空速表:提供速度的資訊

  • 垂直速率表:顯示飛機爬升與下降的速率資訊


  • 姿態儀:顯示出俯仰及偏左偏右的姿態


  • 航向指示表:顯示出飛機機頭的磁方位


  • 轉彎協調表:顯示出轉彎的方向與轉彎速率

2015年8月25日 星期二



  • "Upwind(離場邊)":當飛行員起飛後立即會進入
  • "Upwind(離場邊)",然後保持跑道航向360爬升至152m,左轉90度
  • "Crosswind(側風邊)":繼續爬升並在航向090,到達304m向左轉90
  • "Downwind(下風邊)":在此時你應該在304m並保持高度(正負15m),航向為180並和跑道成一條平行線,反方向於離場跑道。
  • "Base(底線)":這時已在下降階段,航向270,進場速度,再左轉90度
  • "Final(最後進場邊)":此時你應該很接近跑道,並準備來一個安全的著陸。

2015年8月24日 星期一

起飛時/剛起飛時 , 為何飛機會偏左或偏右?

一般剛開始玩Warthunder的朋友都會遇到小型螺旋槳飛機在"地面加速滑行/起飛/離地"後飛機不能筆直線前進,而是不斷偏左或偏右的問題。正是因為Warthunder做出了飛機空氣動力學的效應影響所致 .

當氣流打在左面垂直舵上 , 會造成偏右力矩 , 導致機首向左偏移 . 當引擎右轉時 , 除了氣流影響外 , 加上自身扭力 , 則造成機身向右滾轉 .


左右兩側的螺旋槳葉相對於風的攻角不同 , 左側的攻角較小產生的推力相對小一些 , 右側的攻角較大產生的推力就大 , 於是造成機首向左偏向 .

2015年8月23日 星期日



戰場之中 , 由於訊息量龐大 , 所以通訊中的字裡行間必須簡短而有力 , 句句是重點!

  1. 頻道中有人在通話時 , 請勿插話 . 靜待通話結束 , 再行呼叫 .
  2. 呼叫時先喊他人呼號  , 再報自己呼號 , 讓大家清楚是誰在叫誰 . 最後才是通話內容 .
  3. 發問或回答請用明確的語句與答案 , 最後說"over!"告訴大家發話完畢.
  4. 如有必要通話 , 通話者須報"間隔" , 通話者聽到後回答"間隔請說" , 插話者才開始發話.




  • 比較好的呼號範例:Saga、Monkey 、Clow 、Bear。
  • 比較不好的呼號:小情人、Asdyf 、RX-78。




例句:“Luwei, Monkey. Tally one bogey,nine o’clock, far,low, visual!”  這是標準兼漂亮的簡語範例,告訴我們經由簡語可以在這麼少字的狀況下,傳遞這麼多的訊息。這個簡語翻譯起來是這樣的:
「Luwei,這是 Monkey。我目視不明機九點鐘方向,遠,低位,也同時目視你。」


  • ALPHA CHECK:要求僚機報出某一點對他的方位距離,通常是BLIND後,確定空間位置歸隊使用。
  • BUG OUT:項安全空域機動,並撤向安全區域。
  • BANDIT:已知具有敵意的目標。
  • BELLY CHECK:檢查機腹,低六點是否有敵機。
  • BINGO:油料剩下不多。
  • BOGEY : 不明機。
  • Break:轉(最大性能急轉彎)。
  • Blow Through:指示或通知,將會在與目標機遭遇後,繼續往前飛而不轉向。
  • Bomb Jet:丟炸彈。
  • CLOSING:接近敵機/接觸/目標中。
  • CLEARED:要求被許可。CLEARED HOT:准許施放武器(准許開火)。
  • CONTACT:接觸。需搭配方位,距離,高度已完成一個完整的接觸報告。
  • COVER:要求僚機進入掩護位置。
  • COMMITED/COMMIT:預計接戰/攔截。
  • DEFENSE:緊急防禦。
  • DRAG/DRAGGING:誘使敵機跟隨,由友機潛行獵殺的戰術。
  • EXTEND:暫時離開接戰空域. 通常是為了獲得更好的速度或空間而做的動作。
  • FEET WET/DRY:飛出海岸/線飛入陸地。
  • FENCE CHECK/FENCE IN/FENCE OUT:入侵敵境前裝備檢查/選定好適用武裝/離開敵境時關好保險。
  • Furball:混戰。
  • GORILLA:相當大數量的不明機編隊。
  • HOLDING HANDS:目視編隊。Hook Turn:迴轉180度。
  • HOSTILE:敵機,最具威脅的敵機稱呼。
  • SHOOTER:負責開火的飛機。
  • RTB:返回基地。
  • TALLY:目視敵機。反字詞為:“NO JOY”。 
  • TUMBLEWEED:表示低 SA 狀態,無目視敵、友機。並要求資訊。 
  • Turn circle:轉一圈。
  • Turn radius:轉半圈。
  • Tally:目視 ex:Tally1, Tally2 , Tally3。
  • VISUAL:目視友機。反義詞為:“BLIND”。 
  • Keep Turn :持續轉。
  • Slight Turn :輕輕轉。
  • SPING:螺旋。(螺旋解出來叫改出)
為了避免ABCD在通訊中的誤解 , 所以我們會用特定詞語來代替。
  • A Alfa
  • B Bravo
  • C Charlie
  • D Delta
  • E Echo
  • F Foxtrot
  • G Golf
  • H Hotel
  • I India
  • J Juliett
  • K Kilo
  • L Lima
  • M Mike
  • N November
  • O Oscar
  • P Papa
  • Q Quebec
  • R Romeo
  • S Sierra
  • T Tango
  • U Uniform
  • V Victor
  • W Whiskey
  • X X-ray
  • Y Yankee
  • Z Zulu



  • 無線電與術語
  • 六大儀表
  • 起飛
  • 落地
  • 滑行
  • 五邊飛行
  • 迴轉
  • 戰術編隊


  • 空對空:機槍、機砲、火箭
  • 空對地:機槍、機砲、火箭、炸彈

  • 基本攻防
  • 飽和攻擊
  • 空對空戰術:1v1、2v1、3v1、2v2、2v3...
  • 空對地戰術:對地炸射


空軍學院要帶給學員的東西,不是擊落數字的榮耀,更不是要創造王牌飛行員。 我們的訓練,除了讓學員具有基本的飛行與戰鬥操作技術,更要讓學員體認到空戰不是一對一的單打獨鬥,更不可能是一以擋百的空戰無雙。起飛、落地、編隊、通訊… 這些在遊戲當中經常被忽略或簡單帶過的項目,反而是學員在空軍學院的學習重點。也唯有透過這些課目的不斷重複,學員才能真正體會紀律兩個字的重要性。

紀律,不代表權威,而是每位成員謹守份際,在對的時間做對的事情。 教練與學員能夠彼此配合,訓練效果才會顯著。飛行訓練當中,教練指示,學員照做;訓練結束之後,學員質疑,教練解惑。依照學院的課程安排,循序漸進,直到結業。表現優異的學員,也可能被學院邀請成為教練。



戰鬥組:基本攻防(BFM)戰術訓練、空戰操作(ACM)戰術訓練、對地戰術訓練報名接受課程之前, 學員應該要有一個飛行呼號(Callsign),呼號必須是兩或三個音節,清楚好念的英文字彙,不能用字母或數字。 以下是呼號命名的三項原則:

1. 如果你還沒有自己的呼號,你的『好友』會幫你取一個

2. 你可能不會喜歡這個呼號...

3. 如果你對於第一與第二項原則靠北太多,你會得到一個你更不喜歡的新呼號…


請認清一件事情, 參加空軍學院,表示您認同我們以團隊為優先、以紀律為準則的運作方式。 學院的理念是教學從嚴、審核從寬,我們在訓練當中可能會對學員不假辭色,但是我們對有心學習的成果絕不忽視。請萬萬不要參加訓練之後,才又抱怨教練在過程當中態度兇惡,認為這只是個遊戲,沒有必要如此… 學院的課程沒有進度壓力,一切依照學員的空閒時間(以及教練的空閒時間)進行進度,因此學員若有任何倦怠產生,可以選擇暫緩學習以調整心情,待調適之後繼續出發。



最後, 由於英文是飛行的母語,為了獲得最直接的教學效果,學習過程當中會有許多英文詞彙與術語。學員應當積極克服任何可能的語言障礙,教練在評斷學員學習成果時,並不會對此有所寬容。




空戰有許多戰術 , 有的偏向於一擊脫離 , 有的則是偏向於纏鬥 , 究竟哪個戰術好? 我們不能定出一個優劣之分 .

在德國BF109的高速一擊脫離戰術令世界各國空軍大為驚艷 , 在西班牙內戰時 , BF109攻擊後高速脫離 , 使得敵人幾乎沒有機會攻擊 . 使得後來各國空軍開始仿效德軍的戰術 .

這種戰術固然有效 , 然而戰爭使科技大幅進步 , 各國空軍戰機的研發猶如賽馬一般的競賽 , 各國之間的機種性能互有勝負 , 在新舊機種之間的摩擦之下 , 戰術千變萬化 ,  不可能再像西班牙內戰一樣只用同種戰術 , 纏鬥因此成為最後防衛手段 , 也就是刺刀戰了.

不論是二對一還是三對二 , 最常出現的戰術就是三明治戰術 , 前頭的友機防禦同時是否也能做好引誘機的工作 , 與個人的BFM技能最有關係! 生死之間 , 飛行員的生與死影響戰局的程度很高~  所以你說重要還是不重要呢?

2015年8月10日 星期一

美軍ACM綱要 (翻譯中)

4.10. Air Combat Maneuvers (ACM)
ACM normally involves coordinated maneuvering between two fighters employing BFM to kill, defend or separate from one or more bandits in a visual merge. The engaged phase can be the outcome of the intercept phase or an undetected bandit entry, and is the highest risk phase of an air-to-air engagement. Distinct roles, or an "ACM Contract," must be briefed and established between the two fighters prior to any flight with the potential for ACBT in order to assure effective ACM. This contract defines "engaged" and "supporting" roles. Disciplined execution of these roles is critical for survivability and lethality. Any break down in the established "ACM Contract" can lead to undesirable and disastrous outcomes! (i.e. Midair).

4.10.1. ACM Objectives
·  Develop proficiency in two-ship coordinated maneuvering.
·  Teach specific engaged and supporting fighter roles in a visual fight.
·  Develop enhanced situation awareness.
An F-16 is capable of rapid kills from an offensive start. Consequently, the role of the supporting fighter is not the same when his element mate is offensive as when the other F-16 is defensive. This adjustment in priorities resulting from the other F-16's positional advantage/disadvantage requires focused, concentrated training in the visual environment. There are four cornerstones to effective element employment: communications, formation integrity, flight discipline, and weapons employment.

4.10.2. Communications
Calm, clear, and concise communications are vital for effective element employment. Each pilot must firmly understand MCM 3-1, Vol I brevity terms, unit standard terminology, and be able to use the correct terms at the correct moment in a fight. If the situation cannot be addressed using MCM 3-1 brevity or unit standard phrasing, use clear text to accurately describe your intentions or maneuvers. Proficiency in one’s communications skill is gained only by daily practice and constant critique. The time to start improving your comm is not after the first "Break right" call. The planned cadence, comm procedures, and brevity terms that are expect to be used during the flight should be reviewed in the flight briefing to enhance their effectiveness. Shortening communications too much is a bad habit that fighter pilots need to avoid. Nonstandard radio terminology (i.e. lack of proper call sign), and excessive verbiage can cause confusion and misinterpretation at a critical time. This could result be fatal. Use full call signs when beginning radio transmissions to gain the attention of flight members requiring the information you have
and allowing noninvolved flights to "tune out" your transmission. All missions (not just air-to-air) should focus on communications discipline!

As part of a fighting team, you will see situations develop quickly as you maneuver. As the bandit maneuvers you will have to communicate what you see in the most efficient way. As the wingman, you may have to tell lead what to do if you have tally and he doesn't. If your information isn't critical, your radio call should be descriptive and lead will use it to make decisions while maintaining control of the flight. When the flight is definitely threatened, a directive transmission is called for. Directive Transmissions
A directive call is required when a threat warrants an immediate reaction for survival. Directive radio transmissions must be prefaced by the call sign of the aircraft being addressed, i.e., "Viper One, break right!" After making the directive transmission "Viper One, break right," pause, look and see if lead is doing what was directed. If not, re-transmit the directive call. The priorities need to be placed on the execution of the directed action. All other mission tasks are secondary until the threat has been negated or defeated. The supporting fighter may be required to make a series of directive calls due to limited time. "Viper One, break right," "Viper One, jink now," "Viper One extend," if the supporting fighter has the tally and there is not time to describe the bandit's position without jeopardizing the safety of Viper One. Descriptive Transmission
Descriptive transmission are normally prefaced by the call sign of the aircraft doing the talking, (i.e. "Viper One, tally bandit, left 10, 5 miles, level.") When a directive action is required the descriptive comm must come after the directive transmission and action is taken. Then, describe why you made the directive call. The bandit descriptive call is important for it will allow Viper One, in this example, to acquire the tally and perform the proper BFM to defend himself. The bandit call has been standardized into the following format, which should always be used:
·  Call Sign.
·  Type aircraft, or threat (Bandit /Bogey).
·  Left or Right (side of aircraft.)
·  Clock position.
·  Range.
·  High/ Low/ Level.
·  Amplifying remarks.
Here’s an example of the above format: "Viper Two, bandit, right 2, 3 miles, high." A modification of this format is used to follow up a directive call if your element mate is under attack. Here’s an example: "Viper One, break, right," pause, as the directive action being taken, then continue with the descriptive comm: "Bandit, right, 5, 9,000’, level." In this case, the position of the bandit is described with reference to the aircraft under attack. Continue descriptive comm until the engaged fighter is tally. Sometimes subsequent descriptive calls may include the word "continue." This informs all flight members that the only reaction required is the maneuver that is being performed. For example Viper One calls, "Viper flight, hook right," "Viper One, bandit, right 4, 5 miles, slightly high, continue right."

4.10.3. Formation Integrity
Formation integrity is an integral part of all element maneuvering. In the ACM environment, formation integrity allows both the engaged and supporting fighters to maneuver synergistically to defeat the bandit‘s attack. Mutual support and formation integrity are critical to success. The engaged fighter must do his best one versus one BFM to kill or survive the bandit’s attack, while the supporting fighter maneuvers to kill the bandit or support the engaged fighter based on the criteria defined by the flight lead.

4.10.4. Flight Discipline
Flight discipline is an important factor effecting the success of fighter employment. This requires adherence to clearly defined responsibilities and decisions based on the flight lead’s overall game plan and philosophy of employment. The flight contract is fulfilled by executing your duties based on the flight lead’s plan (i.e. set of assumptions and guidelines). The flight lead can assess the success of the plan or failure and make changes to the plan. Obviously, no pilot should do anything to place himself or his wingman in a defensive situation. However, changing or ignoring the flight lead’s directions based on personnel preference is unacceptable!

4.10.5. Weapons Employment
Knowledge of your weapon system capabilities and limitation will allow you to make accurate decisions concerning weapons employment. You must apply your BFM skills to maneuver to a Weapons Employment Zone (WEZ) then effectively put weapons on target to kill. The status of your element mate and yourself will be affect your decision to maneuver immediately to a WEZ, defend, or reposition.

4.10.6. Engaged and Supporting Fighter Contract
Most units have "standards" that provide essential, clear, and unique procedures to: ensure success in training and combat sorties, minimize briefing time, clarify ambiguities, and establish a common point of reference. These "standards" need to be fully understood by every pilot in that unit. An effective "ACM Contract" assigns responsibilities between two aircraft that are essential to take full advantage of the element's capabilities during an air-to-air engagement. In the flight briefing it’s the flight lead’s responsibility to ensure complete understanding of the "ACM Contract." The division of responsibilities serves two basic purposes: killing the bandit and ensuring element survival. The ingredients required for successful execution of the "Contract" is mutual understanding of the game plan and a correct balance of communication, mutual support, executions of responsibilities, and weapons employment. Engaged Fighter
During offensive maneuvering there can only be ONE actively engaged fighter (fighter that is maneuvering in specific relationship to the bandit) at a time. While defensive, the bandit will choose who is the engaged fighter. In a dynamic environment, such as air-to-air, the roles may change rapidly from one to the other several times. Flight members MUST fully understand their responsibilities and how they will be handed off, (whether by radio calls or aircraft maneuvers).
Engaged Fighter Responsibilities:
·  Maneuver to kill the bandit (offensively) or negate the bandit’s attack (defensively) in the minimum
time. Fly your best offensive/defensive BFM.
·  Clear the supporting fighter to engage if he is in a better position to shoot, or if defensive and the
engaged fighter is not safely outside the supporting fighter’s weapons FOV or target debris would be
factor, again clear the supporting fighter to shoot.
·  Keep the supporting fighter informed of intentions, capabilities, and future tactical plans. Supporting Fighter
As the supporting fighter you may have to perform two or more tasks/ responsibilities at the same time. Time sharing between the tasks at hand is required to effectively support the engaged fighter. The time allowed to perform a given set of tasks will be scenario dependent. As a rule of thumb (ROT) the supporting fighter needs to first maneuver to sanitize the area about the fight through visual (tally/visual) and electronic means (radar, GCI, RWR). Next be prepared to commit against any bandit that threatens the element, whether offensively or defensively. Lastly, maintain a high situational awareness to direct the egress in a safe direction.
Supporting Fighter Responsibilities:
·  Maintain visual and strive for tally.
·  Inform engaged fighter of posit (potential for mid-air in the ACM environment makes this extra comm
·  Sanitize the area about the fight through visual and electronic means (check your own six).
·  Maneuver to avoid the fight and gain or maintain entry parameters on the bandit.
·  Employ ordnance if the bandit is in a WEZ, consistent with the flight leads game plan, and without
compromising the engaged fighter’s safety.
·  Engage other bandits that are a factor to the element and keep the engaged fighter informed.
·  Maintain overall situational awareness to include area orientation, fuel, and exit avenues.
·  Direct the egress.

4.10.7. The Flight Lead/Wingman Relationship
The previous discussion does not equate engaged and supporting roles with leader and wingman positions; this is intentional. Our tactics are designed to allow the best positioned fighter to engage the bandit offensively. While on defense, the driving factor for whom is engaged will obviously belong to the bandit. This should not imply break down within the basic flight lead/wingman responsibilities. The flight lead still has the ultimate responsibility for mission accomplishment and flight survival. The flight lead also makes the decisions about whether or not to engage, what tactics will be used, and who will do the engaging or separating. While the wingman is engaged, the flight lead supports him but retains the authority to direct the engagement, to terminate the engagement, to assume the engaged role, or to revert his wingman to the supporting role.

The engaged/supporting responsibilities work effectively in most 2 v 1 situations; however, when the contract breaks down, the flight may present a danger to itself. Confusion of roles is the most common problem. Two fighters, each thinking they are engaged, can easily end up occupying the same airspace. For this reason, flight and element leads will brief engaged and supporting responsibilities, maneuvering deconfliction, role changes and desired engaged communications prior to any flight with the potential for ACBT maneuvering. Element or wingman deconfliction subsequent to a blind call or planned loss of sight tactic will be briefed for any planned intercept or ACBT flight where more than one element or more than one fighter may be maneuvering against the same bandit or bandits. Elements/wingman will not begin visual offensive maneuvering against an adversary unless cleared to engage by the flight/element lead. Formal squadron/wing standards covering this requirement are adequate if all flight members are fully aware of the standards.

4.10.8. 2 V 1 Offensive Visual Maneuvering
The visual phase of maneuvering is really the "meat of the mission" where ACM is concerned. The tactical intercept gets the element to the merge, usually in an offensive position. Once there, our two airplanes must work together in accomplishing the primary goal which is to destroy the enemy ASAP, while maintaining mutual support. There must be complete understanding between the leader and wingman of their obligations towards one another. This understanding forms the basis of the contract which governs two-ship visual maneuvering.

The termination of the intercept phase is when the element arrives in position to begin visual maneuvering against the bandit. It is imperative that the element establish roles ASAP. The flight lead should transmit his intentions (i.e. "Viper 1, engaged, nose 3 miles.") This not only anchors the fight but establishes the engaged and supporting roles. If the bandit detects your attack and maneuvers to counter it, the tactical wingman may be in a better position to engage. If so the flight lead should direct the wingman to engage, (i.e. "Viper 2, cleared to engage bandit nose 3 miles, press.")

The engaged fighter needs to perform his best one versus one BFM, place the bandit in a WEZ as quickly as possible, and employ ordnance to kill the bandit. If the bandit negates your attack, continue to perform BFM forcing the bandit to react defensively and remain predictable. If you lose the offensive (i.e. neutral), due to bandit reaction, communicate this to the supporting fighter ASAP.

The supporting fighter needs to pick-up the supporting role, perform supporting fighter responsibilities, and setup the support structure. To set up the support structure the supporting fighter needs to off-set himself from the fight both horizontally and vertically. Fly BFM through the bandit’s TC while lagging the engaged fighter. Then extend past the fight. Ensure the afterburner has been selected to maintain 450 knots or greater and extend through the fight arena quickly build needed separation. No matter which plane you merge with the fight, stay there and continue to split plane in that direction, to visual constraints (i.e. if already high above the fight, stay there and not on or near the horizon). Maintain sight of the fight by placing it at your 7 - 9 o’clock or 5 - 3 o’clock whichever way is easiest to maintain sight with the fight once to the outside of the fight. Roll out wings level and extend for about 5 - 10 seconds and then check back into the fight with 4 - 6 G's. Be sure not to arc in a climbing turn since this will not allow you to gain the desired separation from the fight and will highlight you to the bandit. Fly straight lines and check turns to achieve your goal range of 2 to 3 miles with at least a 4000 foot altitude split between you and the fight. This range and altitude split from the fight will allow the supporting fighter time to radar and visually sanitize, and preserve maneuvering room for a shot of opportunity or a role change. Additionally, this position will make it hard for the bandit to acquire the supporting fighter and threaten him. Bandit maneuvering, visual acquisition, and environmental conditions must be taken into consideration.

Never place yourself in a position where you could become defensively engaged with the bandit that your flight member is engaged with (i.e. allow the bandit to point at you aft of your 3/9 line). That will not support killing the bandit and may get you killed. To avoid this put yourself in a position that will make it hard for the bandit to acquire you (split plane). Continue to maneuver away from the fight and sanitize the area for as long as the bandit's turn rate will allow. Visually confirm that the area around the fight is free from other bandits. A good technique is to first focus on an object at range (such as a mountain, or cloud). From there do a sector scan looking not for a specific aircraft, but movement. Force yourself to search not only along the horizon but high 12 and deep 6 o'clock as well. The radar should be in ACM with Slewable selected and biased to the outside of the fight or 20-mile scope minimum, with the el-strobe biased in the direction of the expected threat. After that volume of airspace has been sanitized, you are going to have to change the el-strobe to sanitize the remainder of the airspace. Listen closely to GCI for threat calls and sanitize that avenue of approach accordingly. Do not lose sight of the fight in the process. Time share between the supporting tasks is a must. As the bandit's extended 3 - 9 line approaches your jet (beam plan form), start a turn back into the fight to place it at left 10 or right 2- O’Clock, whichever way is easier to maintain sight. A bandit that is aware and maintains the tally on both fighters may fight the fighter in front of him as opposed to defending against the fighter at his 6- O’Clock. As the supporting fighter, you must ensure that the bandit doesn't engage you and force you to react defensively. The bandit's nose generally will telegraph his intent. The engaged fighter can also help by informing the supporting fighter of bandit maneuvers. If the bandit stops turning and points at you, maneuver to deny a WEZ. The range you are from the bandit will dictate either staying in the beam or checking into him to make it a 180 degree pass. Avoiding the engaged fighter with an altitude delta, as you extend through the fight, cannot be overemphasized. Power should be back and you should expend chaff and flares as needed. The bandit's extension towards you should provide a shot opportunity for the engaged fighter. If not, then continue with your supporting duties. However, if the bandit continues to turn defending himself against the engaged fighter, it should, based on range and aspect, offer a shot of opportunity, or a position from which an entry into the fight can be made if the engaged fighter needs your help.


4.10. 空戰戰術 (ACM)

ACM normally involves coordinated maneuvering between two fighters employing BFM to kill ACM通常是兩個戰機之間的協調機動去幹掉敵人, defend or separate from one or more bandits in a visual merge在敵人的目視情況下進行攻防. The engaged phase can be the outcome of the intercept phase or an undetected bandit entry交戰的狀態結果可以是在攔截或是沒發現敵人的情況下決定, and is the highest risk phase of an air-to-air engagement 然而空對空戰鬥是個高風險的任務. Distinct roles 不同的角色, or an "ACM Contract" 或是ACM的約定, must be briefed and established between the two fighters prior to any flight with the potential for ACBT in order to assure effective ACM 為了有效率的執行ACM , 兩機之間的訓練與簡報必須要做好 . This contract defines "engaged" and "supporting" roles 這個合約定義攻擊與支援. Disciplined execution of these roles is critical for survivability and lethality 飛行員的嚴守紀律與執行將會是成敗的關鍵. Any break down in the established "ACM Contract" can lead to undesirable and disastrous outcomes! (i.e. Midair).

2015年8月7日 星期五



  在空戰之中互相支援的速度非常重要,但是空戰中要的密接支援是什麼? 就是雙機之間能夠有效地互相彌補空檔,比如說:一號機在攻擊敵人時,算好敵方後1秒前置位置,二號機則算好第二秒前置.

  如何有效地做到密接支援! 就是與你的走位息息相關,走位的判斷影響後面的戰局非常重要,走的好則可以寡擊眾,走不好則反之.



2015年6月21日 星期日


戰鬥飛行有許多技能 , 這些技能包含射擊或起飛降落 , 學會該學的技能之後 , 並非可以像遊戲腳色所學會的技能 , 永遠都是滿值.

最多人常犯的錯誤就是學會之後便不再訓練 , 對於訓練是興趣缺缺 , 然而這才是最可怕的 , 許多人所學之技能往往都不是最精 , 卻以為自己已經攻頂 , 其言其行往往也具有莫名的傲氣存在 , 這就是墮入王牌道的第一步.

藉由常態訓練 , 可以精實自己的動作 , 更能強化自己所不足的能力 , 對於耐心地培養更為重要! 一方面在訓練時 , 更容易找出自己的缺點 , 進而使自己更明白缺點所在 , 一旦了解 , 那股傲氣自然會有所斂收.

避免自己墮入王牌道 , 才是常態訓練的重要意義! 

2015年6月20日 星期六


許多人以為長機與僚機像將軍與士兵一樣 , 兩者關係只有一個命令一個動作 , 然而事實並非如此.

所有人都明白長機在空中時是很忙碌的 , 一邊要策劃戰術同時還要眼觀四方 , 然而僚機該做的事情卻幾乎無人清楚.

一個好的僚機除了能遵守紀律與執行戰術外 , 還有更重要的就是要替長機分憂 , 這紅字代表什麼? 就是在空戰中不是只是傻傻的一個口令一個動作  , 還要盡量讓思考與長機同步! 這樣動作執行的會更好 , 在策略上長機更能得心應手 , 不必老是浪費時間與僚機解釋.

一個好的僚機除了長機所教導的知識外 , 自己平時也必須擴充自己的戰術知識 , 因為長機與僚機的關係並非一坦一補 , 而是同攻同守的夥伴關係 , 很多人都以為僚機是專職 , 其實這是大錯特錯的!

一個好的僚機會盡量讓自己的能力接近自己長機 , 甚至是超越! 因為這樣的能力配合所能施展的戰術就會越多!

總結:一個專業僚機懂得替長機分憂 , 並且不斷同時精進自己

2015年6月18日 星期四




2015年6月11日 星期四




我跟許多人飛行過,然而其中不少人都只想當僚機,是因為僚機很輕鬆,因為不用下決斷! 然而我們不是夥伴嗎? 為什麼不提升自我能力,與夥伴共同分擔戰場壓力呢? 自己也該嘗試擔任長機,不能只叫別人吃苦頭吧



2015年6月8日 星期一

團隊合作的區別 What is the teamwork of the air battle



這種形式的團隊合作是目前RC群玩家常見的團隊作戰模式,藉由RC語音的戰況描述和簡易的溝通及指揮即可進行作戰,此模式的優點是在於對玩家而言,幾乎沒有任何的限制和約束,玩家無需具備任何背景知識及戰術概念即可玩的高興玩的爽,玩家可依自己的意志選擇飛自己喜好的機種,從優點來反推,這模式的缺點在於玩家對空戰的概念僅以多欺少,或是大家集合起來一起去打架,但是怎麼打? 用什麼套路卻沒人有個準,反正看到有人就打、有機會出拳打,而且戰鬥的發起通常是誰衝的快誰先開槍,然後後面跟著的就找機會也開槍,這種模式沒有所謂的戰術,也就是說大家表面上是集合在一起,即使很密集的在同一個戰鬥圈裏面轉,說穿了不過就是大家距離很近的單機一對一BFM,即使前面打不到後面來補位,也還是換了一個人上來打單機一對一BFM罷了
















七.組員間要多回饋學習心得(唯有分享Lesson Learn才能促使組員在每一次的演練後共同成長)




戰術無定論,Warthunder 飛機之多,其戰術無窮無盡(戰術不是憑空想像出來的,必須有立論基礎、經敵我性能比較及相關計算而得,是的,要計算還要畫圖大家才知道全般的Picture為何)





  • 基本編隊
  • 流動隊形
  • 戰鬥僚機
  • 防禦隊形